Design Choices of Affordances in Robotics

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Work Authors Sensory Input Acquisition Techniques Actions Learning Relations Evaluation Robotic Task Means of Evaluation
A model-based approach to finding substitute tools in 3d vision data P. Abelha, F. Guerin, and M. Schoeler visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning the semantics of object–action relations by observation, E. E. Aksoy, A. Abramov, J. Dorr, K. Ning, B. Dellen, and F.Worgotter visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Model-free incremental learning of the semantics of manipulation actions E. E. Aksoy, M. Tamosiunaite, and F. Worgotter, visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Supervised learning of hidden and non-hidden 0-order affordances and detection in real scenes A. Aldoma, F. Tombari, and M. Vincze visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
From human instructions to robot actions: Formulation of goals, affordances and probabilistic planning A. Antunes, L. Jamone, G. Saponaro, A. Bernardino, and R. Ventura visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and planning qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Learning grasp affordance reasoning through semantic relations P. Ardon, E. Pairet, R. P. A. Petrick, S. Ramamoorthy, and K. S. Lohan visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Self-assessment of grasp affordance transfer P. Ardon, E. Pairet, Y. Petillot, R. P. Petrick, S. Ramamoorthy, and K. S. Lohan visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration compound deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
On exploiting haptic cues for self-supervised learning of depth-based robot navigation affordancesa J. Baleia, P. Santana, and J. Barata visual and tactile image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative navigation Real robot-Their design
Learning grasping affordance using probabilistic and ontological approaches C. Barck-Holst, M. Ralph, F. Holmar, and D. Kragic visual image labels primitive deterministic and probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulated robot-Barret hand
Predicting slippage and learning manipulation affordances through gaussian process regression Y. Bekiroglu, C. Smith, Y. Karayiannidis, D. Kragic visual, proprioception and kinesthetic image labels and exploration primitive probabilisitic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-ATI Mini45
Grasp affordances from multi-fingered tactile exploration using dynamic potential fields A. Bierbaum, M. Rambow, T. Asfour, and R. Dillmann visual and tactile image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-FRH-4
Learning grasping points with shape context J. Bohg and D. Kragic visual image labels primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Learning to grasp and extract affordances: the integrated learning of grasps and affordances (ilga) model J. Bonaiuto and M. A. Arbib visual and proprioception image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-Their own hand design
Continuous modeling of affordances in a symbolic knowledge base A. K. Bozcuoglu, Y. Furuta, K. Okada, M. Beetz, and M. Inaba visual and proprioception image labels and exploration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Se3-nets: Learning rigid body motion using deep neural networks A. Byravan and D. Fox visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baxter
Metagrasp: Data efficient grasping by affordance interpreter network J. Cai, H. Cheng, Z. Zhang, and J. Su visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-UR5
Using object affordances to improve object recognition C. Castellini, T. Tommasi, N. Noceti, F. Odone, and B. Caputo visual and tactile image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real-CyberGlove
Determining proper grasp configurations for handovers through observation of object movement patterns and inter object interactions during usage W. P. Chan, Y. Kakiuchi, K. Okada, and M. Inaba visual image labels and demonstration compound deterministic quantitative manipulation Real robot-HRP-2
An affordance and distance minimization based method for computing object orientations for robot human handovers W. P. Chan, M. K. Pan, E. A. Croft, and M. Inaba, visual image labels compound deterministic, probabilistic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-HRP-2
Predicting part affordances of objects using two-stream fully convolutional network with multimodal inputs K. Chaudhary, K. Okada, M. Inaba, and X. Chen visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-HRP-2
Learning affordance segmentation for real-world robotic manipulation via synthetic images F.-J. Chu, R. Xu, and P. A. Vela visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Analyzing differences between teachers when learning object affordances via guided exploration V. Chu and A. L. Thomaz visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Curi
Learning object affordances by leveraging the combination of human-guidance and self exploration V. Chu, T. Fitzgerald, and A. L. Thomaz visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Curi
Real-time multisensory affordance-based control for adaptive object manipulation V. Chu, R. A. Gutierrez, S. Chernova, and A. L. Thomaz visual and proprioception image labels and exploration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kinova
Ganhand: Predicting human grasp affordances in multi-object scenes E. Corona, A. Pumarola, G. Alenya, F. Moreno-Noguer, and G. Rogez visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Using a sofm to learn object affordances I. Cos-Aguilera, G. Hayes, and L. Canamero visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative navigation Simulated robot-Khepera
Training agents with interactive reinforcement learning and contextual affordances F. Cruz, S. Magg, C. Weber, and S. Wermter visual image labels and exploration compound deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Multi-modal feedback for affordance-driven interactive reinforcement learning F. Cruz, G. I. Parisi, and S. Wermter visual image labels and exploration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real-robot-iCub
A cognitive control architecture for the perception–action cycle in robots and agents V. Cutsuridis and J. G. Taylor visual and proprioception image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic qualitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Learning affordances for categorizing objects and their properties N. Dag, I. Atil, S. Kalkan, and E. Sahin visual image labels primitive deterministic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning grasp affordances through human demonstration C. de Granville, J. Southerland, and A. H. Fagg visual and tactile image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic quantitative manipulation Real robot-P5 glove
Denoising auto-encoders for learning of objects and tools affordances in continuous space A. Dehban, L. Jamone, A. R. Kampff, and J. Santos-Victor visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Learning grasp affordance densities R. Detry, D. Kraft, O. Kroemer, L. Bodenhagen, J. Peters, N. Kruger visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Staubli
Deformable-medium affordances for interacting with multi-robot systems M. Diana, J.-P. de la Croix, and M. Egerstedt visual image labels primitive deterministic qualitative and quantitative navigation Real robot-Khepera III
Affordancenet: An end-to-end deep learning approach for object affordance detection T.-T. Do, A. Nguyen, and I. Reid visual image labels compound probabilisitic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-WALKMAN
From primitive behaviors to goal-directed behavior using affordances M. R. Dogar, M. Cakmak, E. Ugur, and E. Sahin visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning quantitative navigation Real robot-Kurt-2
Using learned affordances for robotic behavior development M. R. Dogar, E. Ugur, E. Sahin, and M. Cakmak visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic quantitative navigation Real-robot-Kurt-3
Predicting human actions taking into account object affordances V. Dutta and T. Zielinska visual image labels compound probabilisitic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning probabilistic discriminative models of grasp affordances under limited supervision A. N. Erkan, O. Kroemer, R. Detry, Y. Altun, J. Piater, and J. Peters visual image labels primitive probabilistic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Barret hand
An architecture for online affordance-based perception and whole-body planning M. Fallon, S. Kuindersma, S. Karumanchi, M. Antone, T. Schneider, H. Dai, C. P. D’Arpino, R. Deits, M. DiCicco, D. Fourie visual image labels compound deterministic qualitative and quantitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Atlas
Demo2vec: Reasoning object affordances from online videos K. Fang, T.-L. Wu, D. Yang, S. Savarese, and J. J. Lim visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning about objects through action-initial steps towards artificial cognition P. Fitzpatrick, G. Metta, L. Natale, S. Rao, and G. Sandini visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-BabyBot \& Cog
Learning predictive features in affordance based robotic perception systems G. Fritz, L. Paletta, R. Breithaupt, E. Rome, and G. Dorffner visual image labels primitive deterministic quantitative manipulation Simulated robot-Kurt2
Object recognition using visuo-affordance maps Gijsberts, T. Tommasi, G. Metta, and B. Caputo visual and tactile image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real-CyberGlove
Learning intermediate object affordances: Towards the development of a tool concept A. Goncalves, J. Abrantes, G. Saponaro, L. Jamone, and A. Bernardino visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
A behaviorgrounded approach to forming object categories: Separating containers from noncontainers S. Griffith, J. Sinapov, V. Sukhoy, and A. Stoytchev visual image labels and exploration compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-WAM
The affordance template ros package for robot task programming S. Hart, P. Dinh, and K. A. Hambuchen visual image labels primitive deterministic qualitative manipulation Real robot-Valkyrie
Affordance prediction via learned object attributes T. Hermans, J. M. Rehg, and A. Bobick visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative navigation Real robot-Pioneer 3 DX
Learning contact locations for pushing and orienting unknown objects T. Hermans, F. Li, J. M. Rehg, and A. F. Bobick visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Decoupling behavior, perception, and control for autonomous learning of affordance T. Hermans, J. M. Rehg, and A. F. Bobick visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Perception and human interaction for developmental learning of objects and affordances S. Ivaldi, N. Lyubova, D. Gerardeaux-Viret, A. Droniou, S. M. Anzalone, M. Chetouani, D. Filliat, and O. Sigaud, visual image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic and probabilistic qualitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Hallucinated humans as the hidden context for labeling 3d scenes Y. Jiang, H. Koppula, and A. Saxena visual image labels and demonstration compound deterministic quantitative action prediction Simulated-visual input
Autonomous detection and experimental validation of affordances P. Kaiser and T. Asfour visual and tactile image labels and exploration compound probabilistic, heuristic and planning quantitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Armar III
Extracting whole-body affordances from multimodal exploration P. Kaiser, D. Gonzalez-Aguirre, F. Sch¨ultje, J. Borras, N. Vahrenkamp, and T. Asfour visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative manipulation and navigation Simulated robot-Armar III
Validation of whole-body loco-manipulation affordances for pushability and liftability P. Kaiser, M. Grotz, E. E. Aksoy, M. Do, N. Vahrenkamp, and T. Asfour visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Armar III
Towards a hierarchy of loco-manipulation affordances P. Kaiser, E. E. Aksoy, M. Grotz, and T. Asfour visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic, heuristic and planning qualitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Armar III
“Affordance-based multi-contact whole-body pose sequence planning for humanoid robots in unknown environments P. Kaiser, C. Mandery, A. Boltres, and T. Asfour visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic, heuristic and planning qualitative and quantitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Armar III
Interactive openended object, affordance and grasp learning for robotic manipulation S. H. Kasaei, N. Shafii, L. S. Lopes, and A. M. Tome visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-kinova
Perceiving, learning, and exploiting object affordances for autonomous pile manipulation, D. Katz, A. Venkatraman, M. Kazemi, J. A. Bagnell, and A. Stentz visual and proprioception image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Barrett
Semantic labeling of 3d point clouds with object affordance for robot manipulation D. I. Kim and G. S. Sukhatme visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Interactive affordance map building for a robotic task D. I. Kim and G. S. Sukhatme visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Simulated robot-PR2
Visual object-action recognition: Inferring object affordances from human demonstration H. Kjellstrom, J. Romero, and D. Kragic visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Physically grounded spatio-temporal object affordances H. S. Koppula and A. Saxena visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Anticipating human activities using object affordances for reactive robotic response H. S. Koppula and A. Saxena visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic and planning quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Anticipatory planning for human-robot teams H. S. Koppula, A. Jain, and A. Saxena visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic and planning qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Learning human activities and object affordances from rgb-d videos H. S. Koppula, R. Gupta, and A. Saxena visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Collision risk assessment for autonomous robots by offline traversability learning I. Kostavelis, L. Nalpantidis, and A. Gasteratos visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative navigation Real robot-Kurt 2
Learning objects and grasp affordances through autonomous exploration D. Kraft, R. Detry, N. Pugeault, E. Baseski, J. Piater, and N. Kruger visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Staubli
A flexible hybrid framework for modeling complex manipulation tasks O. Kroemer and J. Peters visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic and planning quantitative manipulation Real robot-PA-10
A kernel-based approach to direct action perception O. Kroemer, E. Ugur, E. Oztop, and J. Peters visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Gifu hand
Exercising affordances of objects: A part-based approach S. R. Lakani, A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, and J. Piater visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Towards affordance detection for robot manipulation using affordance for parts and parts for affordance S. R. Lakani, A. J. Rodriguez-Sanchez, and J. Piater visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Foot placement selection using non-geometric visual properties M. A. Lewis, H.-K. Lee, and A. Patla visual image labels primitive deterministic and probabilistic quantitative navigation Real robot-Their design
Learning to grasp familiar objects based on experience and objects shape affordance C. Liu, B. Fang, F. Sun, X. Li, and W. Huang visual and proprioception image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-BarretHand
Physical primitive decomposition Z. Liu, W. T. Freeman, J. B. Tenenbaum, and J. Wu visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Affordance-based imitation learning in robots M. Lopes, F. S. Melo, and L. Montesano visual image labels, demonstration and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baltazar
Learning to segment affordances T. Luddecke and F. Worgotter visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Context-based affordance segmentation from 2d images for robot actions T. Luddecke, T. Kulvicius, and F. Worgotter visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Multi-model approach based on 3d functional features for tool affordance learning in robotics T. Mar, V. Tikhanoff, G. Metta, and L. Natale visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Self-supervised learning of tool affordances from 3d tool representation through parallel som mapping T. Mar, V. Tikhanoff, G. Metta, and L. Natale visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
What can i do with this tool? self-supervised learning of tool affordances from their 3-d geometry T. Mar, V. Tikhanoff, and L. Natale visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-iCub robot
Director: A user interface designed for robot operation with shared autonomy P. Marion, M. Fallon, R. Deits, A. Valenzuela, C. Perez D Arpino, G. Izatt, L. Manuelli, M. Antone, H. Dai, T. Koolen visual image labels compound deterministic and planning qualitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-Atlas
Occluded object search by relational affordances B. Moldovan and L. De Raedt visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning relational affordance models for robots in multi-object manipulation tasks B. Moldovan, P. Moreno, M. van Otterlo, J. Santos-Victor, and L. De Raedt visual image labels primitive probabilistic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Relational affordances for multiple-object manipulation B. Moldovan, P. Moreno, D. Nitti, J. Santos-Victor, and L. De Raedt visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Learning grasping affordances from local visual descriptors L. Montesano and M. Lopes visual image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baltazar
Affordances, development and imitation L. Montesano, M. Lopes, A. Bernardino, and J. Santos-Victor visual and proprioception image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baltazar
Modeling affordances using bayesian networks L. Montesano, M. Lopes, A. Bernardino, and J. Santos-Victor visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baltazar
Learning object affordances: from sensory–motor coordination to imitation L. Montesano, M. Lopes, A. Bernardino, and J. Santos-Victor visual and tactile image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Baltazar
Affordance detection of tool parts from geometric features A. Myers, C. L. Teo, C. Ferm¨uller, and Y. Aloimonos visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Ego-topo: Environment affordances from egocentric video T. Nagarajan, Y. Li, C. Feichtenhofer, and K. Grauman visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Detecting object affordances with convolutional neural networks A. Nguyen, D. Kanoulas, D. G. Caldwell, and N. G. Tsagarakis visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-WALK-MAN
Object-based affordances detection with convolutional neural networks and dense conditional random fields A. Nguyen, D. Kanoulas, D. G. Caldwell, and N. G. Tsagarakis visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-WALK-MAN
Speeding up affordance learning for tool use, using proprioceptive and kinesthetic inputs K. N. Nguyen, J. Yoo, and Y. Choe visual, proprioception and kinesthetic image labels, demonstration and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Modeling tool-body assimilation using second-order recurrent neural network S. Nishide, T. Nakagawa, T. Ogata, J. Tani, T. Takahashi, and H. G. Okuno visual and proprioception image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-HRP-2
Autonomous acquisition of pushing actions to support object grasping with a humanoid robot D. Omrcen, C. B¨oge, T. Asfour, A. Ude, and R. Dillmann visual and kinesthetic image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Armar III
Affordance graph: A framework to encode perspective taking and effort based affordances for day-to-day humanrobot interaction A. K. Pandey and R. Alami visual image labels and demonstration compound deterministic, heuristic and planning quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Recognizing object affordances in terms of spatio-temporal object-object relationships A. Pieropan, C. H. Ek, and H. Kjellstrom visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic and heuristic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Affordance feasible planning with manipulator wrench spaces A. Price, S. Balakirsky, A. Bobick, and H. Christensen visual and proprioception image labels primitive probabilistic and planning quantitative manipulation Real robot-KR5
Grasp pose detection with affordance-based task constraint learning in single-view point clouds K. Qian, X. Jing, Y. Duan, B. Zhou, F. Fang, J. Xia, and X. Ma visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-UR5
Action-grounded push affordance bootstrapping of unknown objects B. Ridge and A. Ude visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Where can i do this? geometric affordances from a single example with the interaction tensor E. Ruiz and W. Mayol-Cuevas visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-PR2
Dynamic density topological structure generation for real-time ladder affordance detection A. A. Saputra, W. H. Chin, Y. Toda, N. Takesue, and N. Kubota visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation and navigation Real robot-their design
Weakly supervised affordance detection J. Sawatzky, A. Srikantha, and J. Gall visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Robobrain: Large-scale knowledge engine for robots A. Saxena, A. Jain, O. Sener, A. Jami, D. K. Misra, and H. S. Koppula visual and proprioception image labels and exploration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Deep effect trajectory prediction in robot manipulation M. Y. Seker, A. E. Tekden, and E. Ugur visual and proprioception image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-UR10
Learning social affordance for human-robot interaction T. Shu, M. S. Ryoo, and S.-C. Zhu visual image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-Baxter
Learning and generalization of behaviorgrounded tool affordances J. Sinapov and A. Stoytchev visual image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-CRS,A251
Learning task constraints for robot grasping using graphical models D. Song, K. Huebner, V. Kyrki, and D. Kragic visual, kinesthetic and tactile image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Barret hand
Embodiment-specific representation of robot grasping using graphical models and latentspace discretization D. Song, C. H. Ek, K. Huebner, and D. Kragic visual and tactile image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Simulated robot-Armar III
Predicting human intention in visual observations of hand/object interactions "D. Song, N. Kyriazis, I. Oikonomidis, C. Papazov, A. Argyros, D. Burschka, and D. Kragic" visual and tactile image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Tombatossals
Task-based robot grasp planning using probabilistic inference D. Song, C. H. Ek, K. Huebner, and D. Kragic visual and tactile image labels and demonstration compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Armar III
Learning to detect visual grasp affordance H. O. Song, M. Fritz, D. Goehring, and T. Darrell visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-PR2
Functional object class detection based on learned affordance cues M. Stark, P. Lies, M. Zillich, J. Wyatt, and B. Schiele visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Simulation-visual input
Behavior-grounded representation of tool affordances A. Stoytchev visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-CRS,A251
Learning the affordances of tools using a behavior-grounded approach A. Stoytchev visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-CRS,A251
Pose-aware placement of objects with semantic labels-brandname-based affordance prediction and cooperative dual-arm active manipulation Y.S. Su, L.-F. Yu, H.-C. Wang, S.-H. Lu, P.-S. Ser, W.-T. Hsu, W.- C. Lai, B. Xie, H.-M. Huang, T.-Y. Lee visual image labels primitive probabilistic and heuristic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-UR10
Learning visual object categories for robot affordance prediction J. Sun, J. L. Moore, A. Bobick, and J. M. Rehg visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative navigation Real robot-PeopleBot
Object-object interaction affordance learning Y. Sun, S. Ren, and Y. Lin visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-FANUC
A model of shared grasp affordances from demonstration J. D. Sweeney and R. Grupen visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Dexter arm
Knowledge propagation and relation learning for predicting action effects S. Szedmak, E. Ugur, and J. Piater visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Deep affordance-grounded sensorimotor object recognition S. Thermos, G. T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, and G. Potamianos visual image labels and demonstration primitive probabilistic quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Learning about objects with human teachers A. L. Thomaz and M. Cakmak visual and kinesthetic image labels and demonstration primitive deterministic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Bioloid
Exploring affordances and tool use on the icub V. Tikhanoff, U. Pattacini, L. Natale, and G. Metta visual image labels primitive probabilistic qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-iCub
Bottom-up learning of object categories, action effects and logical rules: From continuous manipulative exploration to symbolic planning E. Ugur and J. Piater visual image labels and exploration compound deterministic, heuristic and planning qualitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Refining discovered symbols with multi-step interaction experience E. Ugur and J. Piater visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning qualitative manipulation Real robot-Kuka arm
Curiosity-driven learning of traversability affordance on a mobile robot E. Ugur, M. R. Dogar, M. Cakmak, and E. Sahin visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kurt3D
The learning and use of traversability affordance using range images on a mobile robot E. Ugur, M. R. Dogar, M. Cakmak, and E. Sahin visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Kurt3D
Affordance learning from range data for multi-step planning E. Ugur, E. Sahin, and E. Oztop visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning quantitative manipulation Real robot-Gifu Hand III
Goal emulation and planning in perceptual space using learned affordances E. Ugur, E. Oztop, and E. Sahin visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning qualitative and quantitative manipulation Real robot-Gifu hand
Unsupervised learning of object affordances for planning in a mobile manipulation platform E. Ugur, E. S¸ ahin, and E. Oztop visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning quantitative navigation Real robot-Kurt3D
Staged development of robot skills: Behavior formation, affordance learning and imitation with motionese E. Ugur, Y. Nagai, E. Sahin, and E. Oztop visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic and planning quantitative manipulation Real robot-Gifu hand
Afrob: The affordance network ontology for robots K. M. Varadarajan and M. Vincze visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Simulation-visual input
Socially aware robot navigation system in human-populated and interactive environments based on an adaptive spatial density function and space affordances A. Vega, L. J. Manso, D. G. Macharet, P. Bustos, and P. Nunez visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative navigation Simulation-visual input
Incorporating object intrinsic features within deep grasp affordance prediction M. Veres, I. Cabral, and M. Moussa visual and proprioception image labels and exploration primitive probabilistic and heuristic quantitative manipulation Simulation-Fanuc arm
Robot learning and use of affordances in goal-directed tasks C. Wang, K. V. Hindriks, and R. Babuska visual image labels and exploration primitive deterministic quantitative action prediction Real robot-NAO
What can i do around here? deep functional scene understanding for cognitive robots C. Ye, Y. Yang, R. Mao, C. Ferm¨uller, and Y. Aloimonos visual image labels compound probabilistic qualitative and quantitative action prediction Real robot-Baxter
Robotic pick-and-place of novel objects in clutter with multi-affordance grasping and crossdomain image matching A. Zeng, S. Song, K.-T. Yu, E. Donlon, F. R. Hogan, M. Bauza, D. Ma, O. Taylor, M. Liu, E. Romo visual image labels primitive probabilistic quantitative manipulation Real robot-Facuc arm
Understanding tools: Task-oriented object modeling, learning and recognition Y. Zhu, Y. Zhao, and S. Chun Zhu visual image labels compound probabilistic quantitative manipulation and action prediction Simulation-visual input


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Dataset Authors Task Contains Type of Data
Grasp Affordance Reasoning P. Ardon, E. Pairet, R. P. A. Petrick, S. Ramamoorthy, and K. S. Lohan, Manipulation 30 objects / 7 scenes / 14 actions RGB-D images, 3D models / 3D poses, image labels / semantic relations
VMGdB the CONTACT Visuo-Motor Grasping dataBase C. Castellini, T. Tommasi, N. Noceti, F. Odone, and B. Caputo Manipulation 7 objects / 5 actions RGB images / 3D poses, image labels
Learning affordance segmentation for real-world robotic manipulation via synthetic images F.-J. Chu, R. Xu, and P. A. Vela Manipulation 10 objects / 7 actions RGB images / image labels
Affordance-datasets A. Dehban, L. Jamone, A. R. Kampff, and J. Santos-Victor Manipulation 14 objects / 4 actions RGB images / image labels
Hallucinating Humans for Learning Object Affordances Y. Jiang, H. Koppula, and A. Saxena Object and Action Recognition 47 objects / 4 scenes / 6 human poses associated with actions RGB-D images, 3D models / 3D poses, image labels
Human Activity Detection from RGBD Images H. S. Koppula, A. Jain, and A. Saxena Object and Action Recognition 10 human poses associated with actions RGB-D images, 3D models / 3D poses, image labels
Affordance Detection of Tool Parts A. Myers, C. L. Teo, C. FermA Manipulation 105 tool-handles / 3 cluttered scenes / 7 actions RGB-D images / image labels
Object-Based Affordances Detection with Convolutional Neural Networks and Dense Conditional Random Fields Nguyen, D. Kanoulas, D. G. Caldwell, and N. G. Tsagarakisuller, and Y. Aloimonos Object Recognition 10 objects / 9 actions RGB images / image labels
CAD 120 affordance dataset J. Sawatzky, A. Srikantha, and J. Gall Object Recognition 12 objects / 6 actions RGB-D images, 3D models / 3D poses, image labels
Learning Social Affordance for Human-Robot Interaction T. Shu, M. S. Ryoo, and S.-C. Zhu Action Prediction human poses associated with 5 actions RBG-D images / 3D poses
SOR3D Sensorimotor Object Recognition 3D Dataset S. Thermos, G. T. Papadopoulos, P. Daras, and G. Potamianos Manipulation 14 objects/ 13 actions RGB-D images / 3D poses
AfNet 2.0: The Affordance Network K. M. Varadarajan and M. Vincze Manipulation 25 geometries / 10 materials / 33 actions RGB-D images / image labels / semantic relations
Understanding Tools: Task-Oriented Object Modeling, Learning and Recognition Y. Zhu, Y. Zhao, and S. Chun Zhu Object Recognition 19 objects / 3 actions RGB-D images, 3D models / 3D poses, image labels